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Bootable USB Drives

In this article, We’ll learn how to create bootable USB drives using Rufus, (Rufus is a free and open-source utility software). If you don’t have Rufus. You can download it from here. Rufus is fast and reliable software. So Let me walk you through everything you need to know to get started with this awesome tool. Bookmark this guide for future use.

How to Create a bootable USB Flash drives
How to Create a bootable USB Flash drives

What is Rufus and why?

Rufus is an open-source, utility software used to create bootable USB Flash drives, primarily for installing an Operating System. It does not cost you at all. Rufus supports a massive array of ISOs (Windows, Linux, and more) as well as it is fast. It is a very popular app, having more than 300 million downloads and 200 million users.

Rufus is actively maintained on GitHub by its creator Pete Batard and you can download Rufus from here. Avoid downloading Rufus from any other source. Always stick with official links for a smooth buttery experience. Rufus is a portable app which means you can use this app from any folder without any need to install it on a system.

Rufus User Interface
Rufus User Interface

Connect a blank Flash drive to your computer or Laptop and open Rufus. Your USB drive should appear in the devices list in the software. Click on Select to select the downloaded Windows ISO file. Select Partition Scheme to GPT (recommended), MBR and Target system UEFI (recommended) or ACHI. Hit the start button.

Wait for 10-15 minutes (depending on the speed of the USB drive, Computer System), and when you are good to go. Plug in your USB Flash drive to a system in which you want to install the Operating System. Double-check all the steps to make sure everything goes smoothly. Use the comment section if you face any problems.

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