Home » 50+ Useful Computer Shortcuts

50+ Useful Computer Shortcuts

In this article, you will explore 50+ useful computer shortcuts that frequently enhance productivity and efficiency. By incorporating these keyboard shortcuts into your daily routine, you can streamline your workflow and accomplish tasks more quickly.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a novice user, these shortcuts will empower you to become a true computer power user to do so let’s dive into the world of keyboard shortcuts and unlock the full potential of your computer.

50+ useful keyboard shortcuts
50+ useful keyboard shortcuts

50+ Useful Computer Shortcuts

Ctrl, and Function button shortcuts are common but first, we will discuss Windows key shortcuts. So without wasting any more. Let’s get started:

Win + AAction Center in Windows
Win + DShows Desktop (Minimize all apps)
Win + EWindows Explorer
Win + GGame Bar (Record Screen)
Win + HSpeak to type
Win + IWindows Settings App
Win + KWindows Screen Cast
Win + LWindows Lock
Win + MMinimize all opened Windows
Win + NWindows Notifications
Win + PProject Screen
Win + RWindows Run
Win + Q or Win + SWindows Search
Win + TCycle through pinned apps on Taskbar
Win + UAccessibility Settings
Win + VWindows Clipboard (See Copy History)
Win + WWindows Widgets
Win + XWindows Power Menu
Win + ZCycle through pinned apps on the Taskbar

Windows Shortcuts

Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Alt + TabCycle through Opend Apps

Microsoft Office Shortcuts

Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + EAlign text to center
Ctrl + RAlign text to the center
Ctrl + LAlight text to the right
Ctrl + IItalicize
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + KHyperlink

Web Browser Shortcuts (Chrome / Firefox)

Ctrl + TOpen a new Tab
Ctrl + WClose Current Tab
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen Recently Closed tab
Ctrl + LFocus Address Bar
Ctrl + DBookmark this page
Ctrl + Shift + DelOpen clear browsing data options
Ctrl + Shift + NOpen Incognito Window
Ctrl + 1-9Switch to a specific tab

File Management Shortcuts

Ctrl + NNew Explorer Windows
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a New Folder
Alt + EnterProperties
F2Rename item

All these shortcuts should improve your productivity and efficiency. Please use comments, if you have any suggestions or issues. (Also Read: How to make bootable USB Flash Drive)

Made with ♥ and 14% help of Microsoft Copilot.

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